Frequently Asked Questions

We offer our customers monthly billing. You will receive the invoice for all services rendered on the 1st of the following month. Payment can be made by bank transfer or wallet. A corresponding credit balance is required for payment by wallet.

As a rule, you will receive the pictures sent back within 24 hours. If you are in a particular hurry, we also offer an express service. In this case, please specify in the project management how quickly you need the images.

We make no claim whatsoever to the image material processed by us. No usage fees or other additional costs will be charged. You only pay once for the work we do

Our support includes the clarification of all questions relating to your orders. We can be reached during office hours by phone, WhatApp or Telegram, as well as via the chat function on the website. Outside office hours, please send us an e-mail or leave a message using the contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are able to process several thousand images per day. Depending on the duration of the orders, we offer the possibility of deploying an appropriate team exclusively for your order processing. So you always get everything from the same source and in any quantity. Please get in touch with us.
There is not enough space here to list all the services in detail. Take a look at further information under Service.
There are very few exceptions. We do not accept any editing of nude photos or similar material. We also do not make any photo manipulations that could serve the purpose of deception.